Gul Banafsha exhibits properties like pectoral, antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent, aperient, demulcent, and emetic.
Suranjan Talakh are locally irritant, exert depressant effect on the nervous system, emetic, resolvent of inflammations and anodyne effects.
“Rosemary leaves: Hair specialists’ 40-day challenge transforms hair. Infuse, spray on scalp, witness potential benefits.”
Mosli Sinbal is sweet, cooling, stimulant, restorative, astringent, alternative, aphrodiasic, demulscent, styptic and tonic.
Babchi is pharmacologically studied for its chemoprotective, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiinflammatory properties.
Magaz Badam is Nutritive, nervine-tonic, semenagogue, aphrodisiac, aperient, emollient (for stomach, skin and chest), detersive.
Sana makki India is Cathartic, especially useful in habitual constipation. In therapeutic doses it increases the peristaltic movements of the colon.
Sana Makki is cathartic, especially useful in habitual constipation. In therapeutic doses it increases the peristaltic movements of the colon.
Berg Nim are Blood purifier, alterative, oil-contraceptive. Leaves useful in biliousness and skin diseases (as astringent) in leprosy.
Magaz Khyar/Kheera are nutrient, demulcent, cooling and diuretic. A syrup derived from them proves beneficial in addressing frequent urination.
Rayond Asara Stimulant and liver tonic, primarily: mild (anthraquinone) purgative, secondarily: stomachic and astringent in relatively small dose.
Gul Pista are a good source of fiber. These are helpful in phlegmatic cough, weight loss and contain antioxidants. They maintain healthy heart.
Chasko has properties as astringent, haemostatic haematonic, detersive and resolvent, ophthalmic tonic, diuretic, cholagogue.
Gul Surkh are somewhat bitter, astringent in taste, acrid, with a good odour, refrigerant, mild laxative, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, cardiotonic.
Tukham nim is reported to possess antispirochaetal (and antifertility) properties and to have healing effect on ulcers of the urinary passages.
Khatmi Reduces inflammation and irritation of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract as well as of the urinary passages.
Sadaf Marvarid are exhilarant, tonic for vital organs, astringent, detersive, ophthalmic tonic, haemostatic, aphrodisiac.
Warq Sona is used in treating sore eyes, and added in formulations to treat atrabilous ailments, also used in confectioneries.
Babrding is known for its anthelmintic properties, it helps in expelling intestinal worms and parasites. It has antidepressant effects.
Gul Gafas exhibits properties as resolvent of inflammation i;e anti-inflammatory, demulcent, diaphoretic, and antipyretic, etc.
Dar Chini is aromatic, carminative, antispasmodic, stimulant, haemostatic, astringent, antiseptic, demulcent, refrigerant, antiflatulant.
Jalaba Harar Root has aphrodisiac tonic and blood purifying attributes. Seeds are desiccant, astringent and styptic. Leaves are resolvent.
SK Natural is a hub of all natural and herbal products. You can buy here quality products at very reasonable prices.