Khatmi Reduces inflammation and irritation of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract as well as of the urinary passages.
Sat podina is antispasmodic, stomachic, emmenagogue, expectorant, diuretic, absorbent, flavouring agent, local anaesthetic, topically antipruritic (menthol).
Khopra exhibits properties as nutritious, tonic, stomachic, alexipharmic (antidotal), preservative, useful emetic in cholera, and aphrodisiac.
Zeera safaid is Aromatic, condiment, stomachic, carminative, astringent, useful in diarrhoea and as antidyspeptic; cooling, detersive.
The active principles in the Badian are known to have antioxidant, digestive, carminative, and anti-flatulent properties.
Surma Siah is Antiseptic, astringent, protects eyesight, styptic, protective against spread of viral infections. Adsorbtive, anti-infective, and oligodynamic.
Salab dana is Demulcent, astringent, aphrodisiac (viscous-provocative of lust), nervine tonic and restorative, nutritious and anti-diarrhoeal.
Khurmehra Zard, People believe that these shells amplify intuition, foster creativity, and facilitate communication with the divine.
Beij Band is aphrodisiac, nervine and cardiac tonic, antiphlegmatic, antispasmodic, , alterative, uterine sedative and antihaemorhagic (for piles).
Tukham Jaman are anti diabetic, astringent, anti inflammatory, anti cancerous, also have antioxidant properties and improve skin.
Dhania Khushk is externally sedative, internally cardiac refrigerant, carminative, antiflatulent.It is Prescribed in rheumatism, neuralgia, bleeding piles.
Rasont India is antibilious, cholagogue, antiperiodic, alterative, febrifuge, stomachic tonic, emollient. As diaphoretic and antiperiodic.
Tukham e konch are viscous, avoricious, aphrodisiac, astringent, anthelmintic, nervine tonic. Hairs covering the seeds are vermifuge, locally stimulant.
Balangu is used in summers in sherbets, faludas, lemonades and other drinks. It serves as a natural digestive aid, cleansing the stomach and intestines.
Gul Madar is antiphlegmatic, resolvent, analgesic. Dried leaves: antiasthmatic and cough-reliever, analgesic, resolvent.
Malathi powder is Cooling, demulcent, expectorant, diuretic, sedative, gentle laxative, concoctive, local stimulant, anti-inflammatory.
Zarishk Shirin is a popular herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for various health benefits.Its also known as dried barberries
Gairu India is Glutinous, antidiarrhoeal, antihaemorrhagic for bleeding from internal organs, repercussive against inflammations of warm origin.
Long is Alexipharmic, aromatic stimulant, cephalic, antiseptic whether administered internally or applied locally, flavouring, tonic.
Indr Jo Talakh is Carminative, astringent, diuretic, helpful in establishing fertilization, lithontriptic, (root) anthelmintic, antidiarrhoeal, antiperiodic.
Gaozaban is demulcent, diuretic, antispasmodic, alexipharmic, antipyretic (alterative), tonic, aphrodisiac, reduces irritation of the mucous membranes.
Warqia hartali is stomachic, general and nervine tonic, alterative, antiperiodic, intestinal stimulant, antiphlegmatic, antiflatulent.
Tukham e Autangan are considered as attenuant, resolvent, diuretic, expectorant, deobstruent and aphrodisiac. Autangan k beej.
ASROL is mainly used in treatment of hypertension, but also used in treatment of snake bite, scorpion bite and insect bite.
SK Natural is a hub of all natural and herbal products. You can buy here quality products at very reasonable prices.