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Gul Madar | (100GM) | گل مدار

Gul Madar is antiphlegmatic, resolvent, analgesic. Dried leaves: antiasthmatic and cough-reliever, analgesic, resolvent.




Gul Madar , گل مدار, Calotropis Gigantea, Crown Flower is a plant that grows wildly all over in Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Thailand, Sri Lanka & Philippines. Many of us think this plant has very little use but on the contrary every part of this plant has got wonderful medicinal values. In fact, these flowers are warm and dry in third order.

Names in other languages:

Arabic Name : Ushar, Ashur

Bengali Name : Akand, Akone

Chinese Name : Niu jiao gua

English Name : Swallow-wort, Calotropis, Milkweed, Mudar, Madar Tree

French Name : arbre � soie, Mudar

German Name : Kronenblume, Madar-Strauch

Gujarati Name : Aakado, Akado, Akda, Myhara, Retoakah

Hindi Name : Akh, Ak, Madar, Safed Aak, Arkh

Kannada Name : Ekk, Ekkdagid, Ekkegid, Arkagid

Kashmiri Name : Aeka

Latin name : Calotropis gigantea R.Br.

Marathi Name : Ruvi, Aak

Persian Name : Zahar Nak, Kharaq, Zahook

Punjabi Name : Ak

Sanskrit Name : Arka, Alarka, Surya Patra, Mandara, Ravi, Bhanu, Tapana

Urdu Name : Aak, Akra, Akh, Madar, Karag, Kotiro.

Recommended Dosage:

Dried Flower : 125 mg to 375 mg powder. It is highly poisonous plant. Therefore, higher doses may cause vomiting, diarrhoea, bradycardia and convulsions.

Medicinal uses:

Generally it is useful in Abdominal Distention, Asthma, Bronchitis, Common Cold, Constipation, Cough, Dysentery. Moreover, it helps in Fevers, Gout, Indigestion, Intestinal Worms, Lack of Appetite, Nausea, Oedema, Piles. Further, it treats Rheumatism, Seminal Debility, Splenomegaly, Syphilis, Ulcers, Vomiting, Weakness of Digestive, System Wounds.

Studies suggest powdered flowers (gul-e-Aak) in small doses may be beneficial in treating a wide range of ailments. In addition to colds, coughs, and asthma, research indicates it may also help with indigestion (including loss of appetite and diarrhea). Furthermore, gul-e-Aak appears to be useful in treating skin diseases, enlargement of the abdominal organs, and intestinal worms.

Despite safety concerns, people have traditionally used calotropis to treat digestive disorders like diarrhea, constipation, and stomach ulcers. It’s also been used for pain relief in conditions such as toothaches, cramps, and joint pain. Additionally, some cultures have used calotropis for parasitic infections like elephantiasis and worms. Other less common uses include treating syphilis, boils, inflammation, epilepsy, hysteria, fever, muscle spasms, warts, leprosy, gout, snakebites, and even cancer. However, it’s vital to remember that more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these applications.

Sknatural provides you very good Gul Madar.  Gul Madar

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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