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Harar Siah

Harar Siah is Alterative, antidiarrhoeal, absorbent, astringent, aperient, carminative, stomachic. Ripe fruits have purgative effects on humours.


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Harar Siah, Terminalia chebula Retz. Hareer Siah is a famous herb used for centuries in various ayurvedic medicines and to treat different ailments. It belongs to family “Combretaceae”. In English people call it chebulic myrobalan. It is cold and dry in first degree. Generally, people use its fruits.

Medicinal uses:

Chebulic myrobalan’s fried fruit boasts impressive medicinal properties. It acts as a powerful astringent, effectively treating diarrhea. This same quality makes it beneficial for bloody piles. However, despite its astringent nature, chebulic myrobalan also acts as a purgative, eliminating melancholic, phlegmatic, and bilious waste matters (humors) from the body. This dual effect makes it valuable for purging these humors and correcting liver function.

For those suffering from piles further complicated by eye complaints and constipation, chebulic myrobalan’s preserve (Murabba) offers relief. This preserve absorbs excess catarrh (mucus) while also tonifying the stomach, making it a key ingredient in the herbal formulation known as Triphala.

Chebulic myrobalan also demonstrates restorative properties for sexual potency. Interestingly, the recommended seasonal accompaniment varies: table salt in the rainy season, sugar in autumn, honey in spring, and jaggery (solidified cane juice) in summer.

Furthermore, applying a bruised pericarp (outer fruit wall) soaked in fennel water to the eyes strengthens eyesight. Triphala, which contains chebulic myrobalan as a key ingredient, is used to treat a wide range of ailments including cough, asthma, urinary complaints, flatulence, colic, enlarged spleen, and enlarged liver.

Moreover, known for its mild laxative effect, chebulic myrobalan promotes smooth waste elimination without harshly irritating the colon. This gentle action makes it a valuable tool for detoxification. It helps the body eliminate toxins and fats, reducing their absorption.

Chebulic myrobalan’s benefits extend beyond the digestive system. It can also alleviate excessive vaginal discharge and ease menstrual pain. Additionally, it acts as a blood purifier, potentially offering relief from headaches. Some believe it possesses rejuvenating properties and promotes healthy, radiant skin and hair.

Furthermore, chebulic myrobalan may be useful in treating conditions like spermatorrhoea (excessive seminal discharge) and bleeding piles.

Recommended Dosage:

5-7 g


The fruits have acrid, adaptogen, alterative, anodyne, anthelmintic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cardiotonic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, mild laxative, nervine, purgative, rejuvenative, stomachic, thermogenic and tonic properties.

We provide you premium harar siah at sknatural.

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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