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Khurfa | خرفہ

Khurfa seeds are described as demulcent, refrigerant, slightly astringent, diuretic, sedative, emollient and alterative.


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Khurfa at sknatural is Portulaca oleracea Linn. It is cold and moist in second degree. It belongs to family “Portulacaceae”. Generally, people use its seeds and parts above ground. People eat it as vegetable and is non-toxic, however it is saltish and people regard it as difficult for digestion. It may cause mild biliousness. Some times cultivated as pot herb.

Plant description:

The plant can grow up to 40 centimeters (16 inches) in height. Its smooth, reddish, mostly prostrate stems, and the leaves, which may be alternate or opposite, are clustered at stem joints and ends. Yellow flowers, each with five regular parts and measuring up to 6 millimeters (1⁄4 inch) wide, can appear at any time during the year depending upon rainfall. These flowers open singly at the center of the leaf cluster for only a few hours on sunny mornings. The tiny seeds are formed in a pod that opens when they mature. Purslane features a taproot with fibrous secondary roots, enabling it to tolerate poor soil and drought conditions.

The fruits consist of many-seeded capsules, and the seed set can be considerable; one plant can develop up to 193,000 seeds. The seeds germinate optimally at temperatures above 25 °C; they are light germinators, with even a soil cover of 5 mm negatively affecting germination.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Rajla, Baqla Hama, Bizr Khurfah

Urdu Name(s): Kharfah, Kulfa, Rajlah

English Name(s): Purslane

Recommended dosage:

Seeds 3 to 5 g.

Medicinal uses:

Purslane highly values as a refrigerant and alterative pot-herb, proving especially beneficial as a dietary component for scurvy and liver disorders. This herb effectively treats various conditions such as haemoptysis, liver obstructions, and debility. It assists in reducing small tumors and inflammations and effectively treats ulcers, asthma, urinary discharges, diarrhea, dysentery, and piles. Moreover, it effectively combats tapeworms.

The paste or juice of the vegetable acts as a remedy for skin affected by boiling water and warm inflammations, as well as for headaches of warm origin. Hence, people directly apply this paste over the affected areas. To reduce body heat, particularly in the hands and feet, individuals consume it as a curry with bread. Furthermore, in cases of aphthae of the mouth and tapeworm infestations, people administer the dry herb in recommended doses. Physician frequently recommend it for bilious conditions and low fever, as it alleviates thirst and headache, stops vomiting, and benefits disorders of the kidney and spleen. Khurfa

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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