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Long | لونگ

Long is Alexipharmic, aromatic stimulant, cephalic, antiseptic whether administered internally or applied locally, flavouring, tonic.


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Long at sknatural is Eugenia caryophyllata. It belongs to family “Myrtaceae “. It is warm and dry in third order. Generally people use its flower buds. It is widely used as a ingredient in common spice “garam masala”. People also use it as a spice, flavouring or frangrance agent in other dishes.

The clove tree, an evergreen species, typically reaches heights of 8–12 meters (26–39 ft), boasting large leaves and crimson flowers arranged in terminal clusters. Initially pale in hue, the flower buds gradually transition from green to a bright red color when ripe for harvesting. Cloves are typically harvested when they reach lengths of 1.5–2 centimeters (5⁄8–3⁄4 in). They comprise a long calyx that terminates in four spreading sepals, along with four unopened petals forming a small central ball.

Clove stalks, the slender stems of the inflorescence axis, exhibit opposite decussate branching. Externally, they appear brownish, rough, and irregularly wrinkled longitudinally, with a short fracture and dry, woody texture. Mother cloves (anthophylli) are the ripe fruits of cloves, characterized by ovoid, brown berries that are unilocular and one-seeded. Blown cloves refer to expanded flowers from which both corollae and stamens have been detached. Exhausted cloves, on the other hand, have had most or all of the oil removed through distillation. As a result, they yield no oil and tend to be darker in color.


Alexipharmic, aromatic stimulant, cephalic, antiseptic whether administered internally or applied locally, flavouring, tonic and astringent for gums, pectoral, cardiacal, digestive adjunct to some medicines.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Qaranfal

Urdu Name(s): Long, Qaranful

nglish Name(s): Clove

Recommended dosage:

0.5-1 g., oil 0.5-1.0 ml. approx.

Medicinal uses:

Clove oil, the primary component of cloves, categorizes as a stimulating flavor. People commonly use it as a remedy for toothaches, applying it topically to dental cavities as needed. The oil boasts antiseptic, counter-irritant, and carminative properties. Particularly, clove oil with a high eugenol content finds use in commercially producing vanillin, the source of vanilla flavoring.

When people apply the oil externally to the skin and mucous membranes, it exhibits irritant, rubefacient, and slightly analgesic effects. Dentists utilize it as a local analgesic for hypersensitive dentine, cavities, or exposed tooth pulps. Additionally, clove oil holds valuable preservative properties. When mixed with zinc oxide, people use it as a temporary anodyne dental filling and as a preservative and flavoring agent in various over-the-counter products. Long

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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