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Qasus Safaid (100gm) کثوث سفید

Qasus Safaid is Demulcent, resolvent of inflammations and analgesic, deobstruent, carminative, antiatrabilious, anthelmintic, alterative, purgative.


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Qasus Safaid at sknatural is Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. It belongs to family  “Cuscutaceae / Convolvulaceae”. Generally, people use its stem, seeds, fruit. It is warm in third order, and dry in first order. These seeds are bitter. The parasitic plant species is characterized by its leafless, twined, sprawling thin vine that grows over a host plant, which may include large trees.

These vines often form garlands hanging down from the canopy, sometimes reaching lengths of up to 10 meters (33 feet). The flowers of this plant are small and bell-shaped, with a white coloration and yellow filaments. Following pollination, fruits and seeds are produced from the flowers


Demulcent, resolvent of inflammations and analgesic, deobstruent, carminative, antiatrabilious, anthelmintic, alterative, purgative. People regard seeds as  carminative and anodyne, diuretic

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Kasus
Urdu Name(s): Akas Bel, Ishq Paichan, Ambar bel, Zarbuti, Nilathari, Bepari-Desi
English Name(s): Dodder

Recommended dosage:

3 to 5 g. Described as harmful (on frequent or large dose use) for lungs.

Medicinal uses:

Bruising and frying kasus in oil enables its application as a paste under a bandage to effectively treat chronic ulcers. It also functions as a potent purgative for atrabilious and phlegmatic humours that the body produces in excess. In atrabilious disorders such as insanity, melancholia, epilepsy, and incubus nightmare, Hakims frequently prescribe kasus.

Furthermore, people recognized kasus as a blood purifier with the ability to resolve inflammations and act as a deobstruent. Its paste, when applied over the spleen to address inflammation and debility, and over the stomach to relieve pain, demonstrates anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When applied over the liver region of the abdomen, it alleviates jaundice and chronic persistent fevers.

Fumigating its decoction provides effective analgesic treatment, while internally, kasus acts as a carminative and, when combined with vinegar, proves useful against hiccup. The water obtained as an extract also benefits jaundice of infective origin. Additionally, a cold infusion of Qasus Safaid serves as a depurative and carminative, with anthelmintic properties.

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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