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Salab Dana (100gm) ثعلب دانہ

Salab dana is Demulcent, astringent, aphrodisiac (viscous-provocative of lust), nervine tonic and restorative, nutritious and anti-diarrhoeal.


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Salab Dana at sknatural is the root of Orchis mascula. It belongs to family “Orchidaceae”.

Plant description:

Orchis mascula, a perennial herbaceous plant, features stems reaching heights of 50–60 centimeters (20–24 inches), with green bases and purple apices. Its root system comprises two tubers, rounded or ellipsoid in shape. The leaves, clustered at the stem’s base, are oblong-lanceolate, pale green, occasionally speckled with brownish-purple hues.

The inflorescence, measuring 7.5–12.5 centimeters (3–5 inches) long, consists of 6 to 20 flowers arranged in dense cylindrical spikes. Each flower, approximately 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) in size, exhibits hues ranging from pinkish-purple to purple. The lateral sepals are ovate-lanceolate and erect, while the median one, along with the petals, is smaller and covers the gynostegium.

The labellum, three-lobed and convex, features crenulated margins, with its basal part clearer and dotted with purple-brown spots. The spur, either cylindrical or clavate, lies horizontally or ascends. The gynostegium, adorned with reddish-green anthers, is short. Orchis mascula blooms from April to June.


Demulcent, astringent, aphrodisiac (viscous-provocative of lust), nervine tonic and restorative, nutritious and anti-diarrhoea. People make salep jelly in water (or milk) regard as mucilaginous (viscous-aphrodisiac)

Recommended dosage:

3 to 7 g


The juice derived from the tuber serves as a tonic and is also employed in the treatment of pyorrhea. Which involves inflammation of the gums and teeth. Furthermore, people externally apply the paste made from the root as a poultice on cuts and wounds, while healthcare providers administer the extract for intestinal disorders.

Salab dana, physicians highly recommend it a remedy for individuals grappling with nervous debility, weakness, loss of sexual ability, nocturnal emissions, enuresis, and spermatorrhoea. Its efficacy lies in its rich nutritional profile and its role as a potent nervine tonic for both blood vessels and muscles. Hence, making it particularly valuable in cases of hemiplegia and paralytic affections. Moreover, Physicians frequently prescribe it to address gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and dysentery.

Beyond its digestive benefits, it also exhibits remarkable properties in alleviating chronic complaints and inflammatory conditions of the urino-genital system. Furthermore, it serves as a stimulant for lust (avoriciousness) and enhances the production of seminal fluid. This dual action not only contributes to its reputation as a tonic for muscle strength but also underscores its importance as a source of essential nutrition for the body.

In essence, it not only addresses specific health concerns but also supports overall well-being by providing vital nutrients and promoting muscular vitality.

Moreover, it serves as an effective remedy for treating diarrhea, aiding in the normalization of bowel movements and alleviating gastrointestinal discomfort.

Beyond its internal health benefits, Salab dana also contributes to maintaining healthy skin. Its antioxidant properties help combat free radicals, preventing oxidative damage and promoting skin health and vitality. Furthermore, it acts as a potent expectorant. Thus, aiding in the relief of cough and respiratory congestion, promoting clear breathing and overall respiratory health. Salab dana

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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