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SARD CHINI / KABAB CHINI سردچینی/ کباب چینی

Sard chini is stimulant and aromatic against malodour in mouth, refrigerant, deobstruent, resolvent, stomach tonic, carminative, tonic for gums and teeth.




Sard chini or kabab chini at sknatural is Piper cububa Linn. It belongs to family “Piperaceae”. Generally people use its fruit (like black pepper but smooth). It is warm and dry in second order. Commercial cubeb comprises dried berries, which resemble black pepper but have stalks attached, referred to as the “tails” in “tailed pepper”.

The dried pericarp appears wrinkled, with a color spectrum ranging from grayish brown to black. The seed, hard and oily, is white. Cubeb emits an agreeable and aromatic odor, while its taste is characterized as pungent, acrid, slightly bitter, and persistent. It has been likened to the taste of allspice or a combination of allspice and black pepper.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Filfil Zulzanb, Kababat as Sainiyah
Urdu Name(s): Kabab Chini, Kankol, Sital-Chini
English Name(s): Cubebs


Stimulant and aromatic against malodour in mouth, refrigerant, deobstruent, resolvent, stomach tonic, carminative, tonic for gums and teeth, useful against hoarseness of voice, diuretic and emmenagogue, aphrodisiac stimulant and effective in inflammations of the genito- urinary mucous membranes.

Recommended dosage:

1-3 g

Medicinal uses:

Sard chini, which have refrigerant and deobstruent properties, treat liver, spleen, and urinary obstructions. They act as diuretics and emmenagogues when used in powder or decoction form. In cases of gleet and gonorrhea, cubebs cleanse and provide antiseptic effects, whether administered alone or in compounds designed for this purpose.

An infusion prepared by steeping 3 grams of powdered cubebs in a cup of water overnight and consumed in the morning for 3-4 days effectively treats irritative and infective conditions of the urinary tract, particularly benefiting cystitis and similar ureteral conditions. It is advisable to provide the patient with cold and moist nutrition during the treatment. Cubebs are also ingredients in tooth powders, gargles, and mouthwashes, strengthening the gums and teeth while eliminating mouth odor.

When combined with honey, cubebs effectively treat cough and hoarseness of voice by inducing tension in the vocal cords and clearing the throat of tenacious mucus. This treatment regimen is beneficial for bronchitis, laryngitis, as well as vaginal discharges and leucorrhoea.

On the respiratory tract it exerts vasodilator action whereas on the urogenital organs it has stimulant action in recommended doses. sard chini

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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