Sundh at sknatural is dried form of Zingiber officinale Roscoe. It belongs to family “Zingiberaceae/Scitaminaceae”. It is warm in third order, dry in first order. Generally people use its rhizomes. You can use sundh powder in place of fresh ginger if you not have fresh ginger available.
Aromatic stimulant, digestive, carminative and antiflatulent, appetitive, laxative, sialagogue, externally a local stimulant and rubefacient, cordial, corrective adjunct to purgatives to prevent nausea and griping, antirheumatic (when used in prescribed quantity for recommended duration).
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Zinjbil
Urdu Name(s): Zinjibeel, Adrak, Sundh, Sonth
English Name(s): Ginger
Recommended dosage:
1 to 3 g. approx. May cause harm when used in pharynx disorders.
Medicinal uses:
Renowned for its aromatic and pleasantly pungent flavor, ginger is a common ingredient in spices and the preparation of condiments, curries, salads, and conserves. Moreover, people prepare syrups from fresh ginger. Both dried ginger (sonth) and fresh (adrak) varieties find extensive use.
Ginger stands out as one of the best herbal stomachics, enhancing the brain’s retentive faculty and considered ideal for individuals with a phlegmatic temperament. It acts as a useful stimulant for the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the stomach.
Additionally, ginger possesses the quality of alleviating pains caused by cold and rheumatic affections when burnt in suitable oil and applied to the affected parts. Fried ginger with table salt functions as tooth powder, soothing the acidity of gums and teeth.
When lemon juice is added to this powder and ingested internally, it improves appetite and induces a pleasant sensation. Applying ginger juice around the navel reputedly cures various types of diarrhea.
Dried ginger serves as a corrective adjunct to purgatives, preventing nausea and griping, while juice extracted from fresh ginger acts as a useful diuretic. Taken internally with carbonate of sodium or potash, ginger proves effective against chronic rheumatism, gout, dropsical affections, and ascites.
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