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Tabashir طباشیر

Tabashir has emmenagogue, anthelmintic, stimulant, astringent, refrigerant, tonic, antispasmodic and aphrodisiac attributes.


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Tabashir  at sknatural is Dendrocalamus strictus. It belongs to family “Gramineae / Poaceae”. Generally people use its  manna, young leaves and shoots (rarely). It is cold and dry in first order. It is a tall, dull long green-colored bamboo species, which grows in thickets consisting of a large number of heavily branched, closely growing culms. This plant reaches a height of 6–18 m. Generally, it is part of the pharmacology in the traditional medicine systems.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Tabashir, Khamirit Bira

Urdu Name(s): Tabashir, Banslochan, Bans, Banj, Tabasheer

English Name(s): Bamboo Manna


The Bamboo Manna (Tabasheer/Banslochan) has emmenagogue, anthelmintic, stimulant, astringent, refrigerant, tonic, antispasmodic and aphrodisiac attributes. Combined with some other suitable ingredients it can also exert styptic, antidiarrhoeal and useful desiccative activities.

Recommended dosage:

1 to 3 g. Never to be administered in infusion or decoction. Prolonged use or large quantities are harmful to the functional capabilities of lungs.

Medicinal uses:

Manna stimulates appetite and aids digestion. It effectively combats thread worms, chronic diarrhea, and dysentery. Furthermore, it promotes the free discharge of menses or lochia after delivery. Doctors commonly prescribe it for chest complaints such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, and asthma.

When combined with other medicines, it treats paralysis, fevers with warm tendencies, phthisis, and irritation or ulcers of the stomach. Additionally, its astringent and desiccative properties relieve thirst and prevent conditions such as spermatorrhea, bloody discharge from piles, bilious vomiting, and diarrhea.

It also alleviates palpitations and aids in treating aphthous mouth when used alongside other drugs. Moreover, when topically applied, it manages skin diseases like leucoderma, leprosy, and ringworm. Traditionally, people use young leaves, prepared as a decoction with aromatic substances, as an emmenagogue.

Furthermore, they administer the root for eruptive skin conditions, while tender shoots are consumed similarly to asparagus. Its astringent properties make it a valuable ingredient in tooth powders, contributing to gum strengthening. Tabashir

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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