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Taramira | (100gm) | تارامیرا

Taramira is Digestive tonic, carminative, semenagogue, aphrodisiac, diuretic and emmenagogue, detersive, and rubefacient.


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Taramira  at sknatural is Eruca sativa Miller. It belongs to family “Cruciferae”. Generally people use its seeds and oil. It is warm and dry in third order with acquired moistness.

Eruca vesicaria is an annual plant, reaching heights of 20 to 100 cm (8 to 40 in). Its pinnate leaves are deeply lobed, featuring four to ten small lateral lobes and a large terminal lobe. The flowers, arranged in a corymb, typically exhibit the Brassicaceae flower structure, with creamy white petals streaked with purple veins and yellow stamens. Its fruit, a siliqua (pod) measuring 12 to 25 mm (1⁄2 to 1 in) long with an apical beak, contains several edible seeds. Notably, the species has a chromosome number of 2n = 22.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Jarjir

Urdu Name(s): Jarjir, Tarmarah, Tara-mir, Chiti Sariyun, Tara Mira, Asun, Jamama, Aahrio

English Name(s): The Rocket


Digestive tonic, carminative, semenagogue, aphrodisiac, diuretic and emmenagogue, detersive, and also rubefacient.

Recommended dosage:

1 to 3 g.

Medicinal uses:

The seeds of taramira serve in carminative and aphrodisiac preparations administered orally. People bruise and sprinkle them over half-fried eggs to induce aphrodisiac effects, particularly stimulation. Moreover, in cases of nervous diseases such as epilepsy and hysteria, people use these seeds and their oil, known for their acrid nature, for purposes similar to those of mustard.

Furthermore, poultices made from these seeds address skin disorders and common complaints such as wrinkled skin, black spots, freckles, leucoderma, and urticaria due to their rubefacient and detersive properties. Additionally, massaging with its oil relieves itching and scabies. When the herb is in its bright green state, people also consume it as a salad.

Furthermore, they use the seeds to prepare baths for feet and the lower back, with the hip bath proving useful in relieving uterine derangements, especially amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, as well as headaches, cerebral congestion, and cardiac and thoracic pain. Lastly, liniments and poultices made from seeds or oil effectively treat swollen joints and rheumatic pain. Taramira

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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