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Til Safaid | (100gm) | تل سفید

Til safaid are fattening and nourishing, aphrodisiac, (oil) glutinous, resolvent of (cold) inflammations, styptic or antihaemorrhagic for piles, laxative.


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Til Safaid at sknatural is Sesamum indicum Linn. It belongs to family “Pedaliaceae”. Generally people use its seeds. It is of two types based on color: white or black, but have same properties. It is warm and moist in second order. 30 to 40% oil is extracted from seeds. This plant is 2 to 4 feet in height.

It contains absorbable mineral salts, albumin and fats. Hence, it contains lecithin which is very important for brain and nerves. This constituent is also present in meat, egg yolk and daal mash. So, it has meat like properties. It is a source of 50 to 60% volatile oils, 5% proteins, 18% carbohydrates and also iron, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B,E.

people often use til safaid oil  in making of hair oils.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Simsim

Urdu Name(s): Kunjad, Til, Tir

English Name(s): Sesame, Gingeli seeds


Fattening and nourishing, aphrodisiac, (oil) glutinous, resolvent of (cold) inflammations, styptic or antihaemorrhagic for piles, laxative, emollient and softening for skin, demulcent, lactagogue and emmenagogue, diuretic. Fixed oil is also fattening, originator of moistness, emollient (for skin-softening).

Recommended dosage:

7-12 g.

Medicinal uses:

A compound decoction of til safaid, combined with linseed (alsi), remedies cough and functions as an aphrodisiac. People administer the seeds, ground into a paste with water, with butter to treat bleeding piles. Additionally, individuals take powdered seeds, in doses of 10-30 grains, 3-4 times daily, to relieve amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea.

When combined with sugar, opium seeds, and almonds, these seeds induce weight gain and act as potent aphrodisiacs. They are also a common ingredient in electuaries prescribed to alleviate sexual debility. To address asthma, cough, throat, and thorax complaints, people mix seeds with honey as a linctus. They apply the paste to resolve inflammations, and when consumed internally with walnut kernel, they effectively treat bleeding piles.

To combat polyuria, people powder seeds and mix them with cane sugar as candy. In cases of uterine inflammations, people apply a decoction of sesame and linseed below the navel. Furthermore, a decoction of leaves and root washes hair, maintaining its natural color and sheen. Sesame oil serves as a nutritional item for cooking, useful in managing dry cough, asthma, and maintaining soft skin in dry skin disorders.

It also serves as a vehicle for applying actual drugs against nervous disorders such as rheumatism and paralysis, often used in ointments (marahim). Although heavy for digestion, sesame oil is emollient for the stomach. Traditionally, people have considered it an effective application for cutaneous lesions of leprosy and as a dressing for ulcers and suppurating wounds. When combined with lime water, it proves to be a useful application for burns and scalds. Til Safaid

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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