Suhaga Safaid (100gm) سہاگہ سفید


Suhaga Safaid is Antacid, antimicrobial, detersive and corrosive, carminative, expectorant, diuretic, emmenagogue and local sedative, antiseptic, desiccative.

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Suhaga Safaid at sknatural is borax. Its temperament is warm and dry in third order. It occurs naturally as a deposit, typically found as crude borax in masses formed by the evaporation of water on the shores of dried lakes or from the mud of lakes surrounded by hills.

The purification process involves dissolving it in water, straining it through cloth, evaporating it to dryness, and finally crystallizing it. Comprising boric acid and soda, it exists as an impure saline encrustation with a dirty-white color.

Other names:

Chemical/Common Name: Sodium Borate/Sodium Biborate/Borax
Arabic Name(s): Boraq
Urdu Name(s): Sohaga, Tinkar
English Name(s): Borax, Biborate, Triborate, Tetraborate or Pyroborate of Sodium


Antacid, antimicrobial, detersive and corrosive, carminative, expectorant-antiphlegmatic, diuretic, emmenagogue and local sedative, antiseptic, desiccative.

Recommended dosage:

Approximately 50 mg.

Medicinal uses:

Suhaga Safaid, functioning as both digestive and carminative, is a common prescription for addressing digestive complaints such as dyspepsia, loss of appetite, indigestion, convulsions, and diseases of the digestive tract, including foetid stools and diarrhea in children. It also aids in alleviating whooping cough, bronchitis, and reducing swelling of the spleen.

Additionally, Borax serves as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent; it is applied to open infected wounds and cuts as a protectant and desiccative through its decoction or infusion. Moreover, Borax proves beneficial in conditions like otorrhoea and purulent discharge in gonorrhoea, providing relief through its infusion. Gargles made from Borax effectively treat aphthous mouth or ulcers.

Furthermore, as a detersive, Borax finds application in vitiligo and ringworm, offering relief in acne and piles. Applying it to loose teeth roots aids in their natural detachment. In varying doses, Borax can alleviate acidity of the stomach, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, peurperal convulsions, and promote uterine pains during labor.

Combining Borax with sulphur and catechu to form an ointment makes it effective against ulcers, sores, and stimulates a healthy response of the skin. Borax also demonstrates efficacy when applied to enlarged glands and tumors. When combined with glycerine, it forms a useful antiseptic lotion, effectively treating ophthalmia and diphtheria, and aiding in stomatitis, urethritis, and hoarseness of the throat. Suhaga safaid

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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