Suhaga Siah (100gm) سہاگہ سیاہ


Suhaga Siah is Stomachic-tonic (in small doses), purgative (in large doses), emmenagogue, anthelmintic, detersive for ulcers.


Suhaga Siah at sknatural is the dried extract of Aloe barbadensis mill. It belongs to family “Liliaceae”. They obtain this extract by cutting obliquely near roots. Its taste is extremely bitter and nauseous. It is black in color. It is warm and dry in second order. Mostly, it is of two types. the type obtained from France, Island Saqootrah and Zinzibar is more effective and less smelly.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Sibr Saqutari
Urdu Name(s): Ailwa, Musabbar, Airio, Airwa
English Name(s): Aloes


Stomachic-tonic (in small doses), purgative (in large doses), emmenagogue, anthelmintic, detersive for ulcers. Good for improving texture of skin, also effective resolvent for local inflammations.

Recommended dosage:

125 to 500 mg. Applied as vaginal suppository it may act as abortive. As it may cause intestinal irritation, thus referred as harmful when
used in piles. To correct its griping effects confection of roses and mastich is added. .

Medicinal Uses:

People also regard it as antiaging.

Generally, Suhaga siah finds frequent use in traditional medicine as an anticonstipatory agent, aiding in the elimination of waste and obstructive matter from various bodily sites, including the head, eyes, and skeletal regions. Physicians often prescribe it with suitable drugs for atrabilious disorders and serves as a stomach tonic when administered in small quantities. Additionally, it acts as an anthelmintic, either when given as an enema or when added with a suitable oil and applied inside the anal ring.

In cases of dysmenorrhoea, Physicians prescribe doses of aloe tablets to administer. Its compound preparations prove effective as purgatives, particularly for relevant malhumours affecting the head, stomach, and liver. When mixed with honey and turmeric, aloe pulp is given for coughs, colds, and glandular swellings. Furthermore, applying aloe pulp to painful inflammations and chronic ulcers offers relief. The freshly expressed juice serves as an almost universal refrigerant application for local inflammations and people also use it cosmetically with other suitable remedies.

Furthermore, In cases of breast inflammation, ground aloe tubers mixed with turmeric powder and applied locally provide relief. Suhaga siah

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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