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Dar Chini | (100gm) | دارچینی

Dar Chini is aromatic, carminative, antispasmodic, stimulant, haemostatic, astringent, antiseptic, demulcent, refrigerant, antiflatulant.




Dar Chini , دارچینی,  Cinnamon, Cinnamomum cassia Blume belongs to family “Lauraceae “. It is warm and dry in second order. Mostly, people use bark and essential oils of this plant. People use this bark  worldwide as a culinary spice and desserts such as cinnamon rolls etc. Commonly, in households people prepare its decoction with fennel, lesser cardamom, greater cardamom and mint as a treatment for diarrhea and vomiting.

Plant description:

Typically, it is a hardy plant which can grow on any soil but the quality of bark is different as influenced by the soil and ecological factors. In Ceylo, farmers obtain the finest quality of cinnamon bark  from plants raised on white sandy soil.

Ceylon cinnamon is an evergreen tree usually 6-7 m or sometimes more high. The leaves are long, leathery, shining green on the upper surface on maturity. They have a spicy odour and a hot taste. The flowers have a foetid disagreeable smell. The fruit is a dark-purple and single-seeded. The bark of tender shoots and stems is smooth and pale while that of old braches is Rough and brown. Hence, this bark obtained from the central branches is superior to that from the outer shoots. The bark from the base is inferior. Plants are usually grow from seeds.

Pharmacological actions:

Generally, cinnamon bark is aromatic, anti-septic, astrignent, stomachic, carminative, anti-spasmodic and stimulant. People use it in gastric upset, dyspepsia, atony of stomach , palpitation, spastic colon, flatulent colic and chronic diarrhoea. Dar Chini possesses the property of checking nausea and vomiting. Cinnamon oil is aromatic, anti-septic, hot and stimulant. Generally, people use it externally in cold headache, rheumatic pain and toothache.

Medicinal uses:

People know cinnamon oil,  for its carminative and antiseptic properties. Therefore they often recommend it for gastrointestinal issues like dyspepsia and flatulence. It exhibits a slightly astringent quality. Hence, beneficial in cases of diarrhea and vomiting. The bark of cinnamon has a specific effect on the uterus, aiding in promoting childbirth and controlling uterine hemorrhages. Additionally, it serves as a spice and flavoring agent in various cuisines and perfumes.

Additionally, when people apply it externally, it demonstrates absorbent and stimulant properties. Thereby, offering relief to pain sites and acting as a local anodyne. Moreover, it exerts a stimulating effect on the respiratory organs, facilitating expectoration, toning the stomach and liver, and inducing astringency in the intestines. People, also  know dar chini for its aphrodisiac and stimulant qualities, along with its diuretic and emmenagogue properties.

Furthermore, people use it commonly to flavor mouth products and strengthen gums in tooth powders. For alleviating coughs and asthma, people often crush cinnamon bark  in honey and administer in small doses as a linctus, or use its decoction  for the same purpose. Furthermore, to relieve headaches caused by coldness, the bark is crushed in water and applied to the forehead, while a decoction of the bark is prescribed under appropriate guidance to induce menstruation.

Ibn Sina’s View: It is warming and deobstruent,diuretic,emmenagogue,and expectorant. It is useful in cold,cough and catarrh; hepatic obstruction and dropsy; and uterine and renal pains. It is applied on freckless, acne, ringworm and ulcer. It is also applied on fore-head in cold headaches.

Recommended dosage:

2 to 3 g.

We provide you a very fine quality cinnamon at sknatural. Dar Chini

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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