Istakhdus at sknatural is Lavandula stoechas Linn. It belongs to family “Labiatae/Lamiaceae”. Generally, people use its parts above ground. It is warm and dry in second order. Industries use its oil fragrant with agreeable aromatic odour, frequently in perfumery. This evergreen shrub, typically reaching heights between 30 and 100 cm, can even grow up to 2 meters (6.5 ft) tall in the subspecies L. stoechas subsp. luisieri.
Generally, its leaves, measuring 1–4 cm long, are grayish and tomentose. A cluster of purple, elongated ovoid bracts, about 5 cm long, crowns the inflorescence. The lower flowers form a tight rectangle in cross-section, and the uppermost of the five teeth has a distinctive, wrong-heart-shaped appendage. The crown itself is blackish-violet, reaching up to 8 mm long with an indistinct two-lipped structure.
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Danimo, Abul-lawaleh Ashqar, Ustu-Khuddus
Urdu Name(s): Ustu Khuddos, Dharo, Jarob-Dimagh
English Name(s): Stoechados, True Lavender, French Lavender
Recommended dosage:
5 to 7 g.
Medicinal uses:
Istakhdus, both cephalic and nervine, proves useful against chronic catarrh and headache, while also serving as an antiphlegmatic for intellectual faculties and the respiratory tract. Its dried plant and flowers possess medicinal properties. Generally, physicians prescribe them for conditions like flatulence, colic, chest affections, and for relieving biliousness and nervous headaches. Furthermore, they administer them to alleviate rheumatic and neuralgic pains. Lavandula stoechas Linn. is also considered to have preservative properties for the intellectual faculties of the body.
Therefore, practitioners administer its compounds, such as Itrifal Ustukhudus, to counteract persistent cold, particularly in the cephalic region, and to retain the original hair color through long-term regular use. Moreover, it earns the title “broom of the brain” (Jarob-Dimagh) for its activity of removing crudities from the brain and assisting in retentive power. The decoction of its flowers specifically earns recognition for being effective against rheumatism, cirrhosis of the liver, and dropsy. It is a non-toxic crude herbal drug with properties approaching those of an alexiteric (antidote).
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