Mundi Booty at sknatural is a herb with scientific name Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. It belongs to family “Compositae/Asteraceae”. It is warm and moist in second degree. Generally, people use its flowers and whole herb.
The plant spreads on the ground, with leaves similar to mint leaves, but slightly smaller and smoother, and the flowers are greenish-pink and round. In some regions, it is also called “ghandi.” People use its flowers in medicine for purifying the blood. They also use it in problems of eyes.
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Najirul Hindi
Urdu Name(s): Mundi, Gulmundi
English Name(s): Globe Thistle
Tonic (nervine), deobstruent, antibilious alterative, resolvent and dispersive of tumours, blood purifier, aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, bitter stomachic, root and seeds possess anthelmintic activity.
Recommended dosage:
5 to 9g. The gastrointestinal reactions in large doses may be caused in hot tempered constitutions.
Medicinal uses:
Mundi booty is generally effective as an antibilious agent, and it also shows efficacy against atrabilious ailments. Physicians prescribe it as a cardiac and nervine tonic, as well as a blood purifier. Additionally, it stimulates the retentive power of the intestines. Hence, making it helpful against diarrhea.
As a nervine tonic, it relieves cardiac debility, melancholic disorders, and weakness of brain function. In such conditions, people prepare preparations of the herb, such as rose-water or its syrup. They use the flowers (Gul-mundi) both internally and externally in chronic skin ulcerations, irritation, scabies, ringworm, and other eruptive skin ailments caused by blood disorders.
People utilize the root as a stomachic and anthelmintic, administering as a powder in prescribed doses. Similarly, seeds possess the same properties and are beneficial against worms and indigestion. When given with honey, they relieve cough.
Leaves dried in shade and powdered, when administered in prescribed doses, prevent skin diseases and act as antisyphilitic and nervine (sedative) tonic.
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