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Sanghara سنگھاڑہ

Sanghara is Nutritive, tonic, cooling, astringent, antibilious and antidiarrhoeal, nervine stimulant, antispermatorrhoeal.




Sanghara at sknatural is Trapa bispinosa Roxb. It belongs to family “Trapaceae/Onagraceae”. Generally, people use its nuts (or fruits). Fresh are cold and moist in first order. It has bland taste.

Water chestnut, despite its name, is not a nut but an aquatic vegetable, people find it in marshes, underwater, or in mud. It features stem-like, tubular green leaves that can grow up to about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in length. Often confused with the water chestnut, the water caltrop shares the same name but is unrelated.

The small, rounded corms of the water chestnut have a crisp, white flesh and people can consume it raw, lightly boiled, or grilled. They also commonly pickle or can it. A popular addition to Chinese cuisine, they serve as a versatile ingredient in various dishes.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Joz Al-qastal
Urdu Name(s): Singhara, Pani-Phal, Kesru, Gaonri
English Name(s): Water Chestnut


Nutritive, tonic, cooling, astringent, antibilious and antidiarrhoeal, nervine stimulant, antispermatorrhoeal, increases the viscosity of seminal fluid, flatulent, styptic.

Recommended dosage:

3-12 g. (approximately).

Medicinal uses:

Freshly gathered Sanghara offers nutritive benefits and helps quench thirst with its cooling and febrifugal properties. It effectively combats the roughness and dryness of internal organs, particularly the pharynx, lungs, and genito-urinary organs. Its viscous nature aids in imparting the necessary viscosity to semen and addressing liquefied catarrhal conditions such as leucorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, and vaginal discharges of uncertain causes.

Despite its benefits, Water Chestnut can also cause flatulence and possess styptic astringent properties, making it difficult to digest and potentially causing obstructions in the kidneys and bladder. Excessive consumption may lead to colic and urine retention, hence it is recommended to consume sugar candy or honey following the use of water chestnut to mitigate any adverse effects.

Excellent aphrodisiac (retentive, glutinous, as well as cooling) for individuals with warm or bilious temperament. The fruits are regarded as rich in carbohydrates and form staple farinaceous food, the black coat contains appreciable quantities of manganese.

Moreover, hot-tempered individuals often use it as a tonic, it is frequently used in the treatment of weakness and diarrhea. It digests slowly. Eating it frequently can lead to indigestion or abdominal pain. Sanghara

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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