Suranjan Shirin at sknatural is Colchicum autumnale Linn.(Sweet variety). It belongs to family “Liliaceae”. It (corms) is warm and dry in second
order with moistness. Generally people use its root or tubers. It has saffron like flowers but blackish red in color.
This herbaceous perennial features leaves that can reach up to 25 cm (10 in) in length. Its flowers are solitary, measuring 4–7 cm (2–3 in) across, and consist of six tepals and six stamens with orange anthers and three white styles. At the time of fertilization, the ovary is located below ground.
Commonly known as autumn crocus, meadow saffron, naked boys, or naked ladies, this toxic autumn-blooming flowering plant earns its nickname “naked boys/ladies” because the flowers emerge from the ground long before the leaves appear. Despite its vernacular name of “meadow saffron,” this plant is not the source of saffron, which is obtained from the saffron crocus.
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Suranjan
Urdu Name(s): Suranjan shireen (Sweet)
English Name(s): Colchicum
(Corms) or the tasteless hermodactyls possess resolvent (for inflammation), sedative and soporific, antiphlegmatic, purgative, concoctive (i.e. maturative) and
desiccant virtues. Used internally as well as externally.
Recommended dosage:
25 mg.
Medicinal uses:
Generally, suranjan shirin root or tuber serves as an alterative and aperient, aiding in the elimination of excess cold malhumours through purgation. The recommended doses of corms prove useful in extracting all kinds of phlegm from any part of the body. Additionally, they act as deobstruents and resolvents, alleviating pain in conditions such as sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, as well as in nervous conditions characterized by spasmodic attacks.
Due to its depressant action, prescribed doses are strictly followed, with the corms powdered with saffron before application to swollen, inflamed, and painful areas.
The bulb-like corms of C. autumnale contain colchicine, a valuable drug with a narrow therapeutic index. Colchicine is approved for the treatment of gout and familial Mediterranean fever in many countries. Additionally, it finds application in plant breeding to generate polyploid strains.
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