Lodh Pathani at sknatural is Symplocos racemosa Roxb. It is cold and dry in second order. Generally people use its bark. It belong to family “Symplocaceae/Styraceae “. Lodhra, originating from tropical regions, is an evergreen tree characterized by a stem ranging from grayish-brown to pale-whitish brown. The stem is uneven and rough, often marked with white patches and fissures.
Its leaves are typically simple, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate, featuring a narrow apex, an attenuate base, and a slightly curved margin. On both sides, the leaves are mostly globous, polished, and shining above the nerve pair. The tree bears small, bisexual white flowers with a distinct fragrance and five lobes. Its fruits primarily take the form of drupes, exhibiting a globose, cylindrical shape and a purplish-black color. Embedded within are oblong, hard seeds, usually numbering between 1 and 3, each possessing a woody endocarp.
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Satrak, Joz al Qini
Urdu Name(s): Lodh Pathani, Lodh
English Name(s): Lodh tree, Lotur bark
Recommended dosage:
1 to 2 g.
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