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Lodh Pathani | لودھ پٹھانی

Lodh Pathani is Astringent for all types of (abnormal) secretions from body, viscous aphrodisiac, arrest abnormal uterine and spermatorrhoeal discharges.


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Lodh Pathani at sknatural is Symplocos racemosa Roxb. It is cold and dry in second order. Generally people use its bark. It belong to family “Symplocaceae/Styraceae “. Lodhra, originating from tropical regions, is an evergreen tree characterized by a stem ranging from grayish-brown to pale-whitish brown. The stem is uneven and rough, often marked with white patches and fissures.

Its leaves are typically simple, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate, featuring a narrow apex, an attenuate base, and a slightly curved margin. On both sides, the leaves are mostly globous, polished, and shining above the nerve pair. The tree bears small, bisexual white flowers with a distinct fragrance and five lobes. Its fruits primarily take the form of drupes, exhibiting a globose, cylindrical shape and a purplish-black color. Embedded within are oblong, hard seeds, usually numbering between 1 and 3, each possessing a woody endocarp.

Other names:

Arabic Name(s): Satrak, Joz al Qini

Urdu Name(s): Lodh Pathani, Lodh

English Name(s): Lodh tree, Lotur bark

Recommended dosage:

1 to 2 g.

Medicinal uses:

In cases of ophthalmia, gently apply the paste made from Lodh bark around the eyes. Similarly, prepare a paste by roasting Lodh bark, liquorice, and burnt alum in water, then apply it in the same manner to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, use a combination of other appropriate herbs tied in a piece of cloth and soaked in water, then rub the resulting wet infusion over the eyes.

Administer Lodh bark, known for its astringent properties, to address excessive bleeding in various conditions such as menses, dysentery, diarrhea, piles, difficult urination, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, and menorrhagia resulting from uterine tissue relaxation, typically over a period of 3-4 days. Also, utilize it for loose bowels, dropsy, liver complaints, fevers, and ulcers.

Furthermore, employ a decoction of Lodh bark for gargles to fortify spongy or bleeding gums, sometimes mixing it with Cyperus rotundus and honey for application to bleeding gums. Include it in electuaries and powders prescribed as aphrodisiacs to enhance functional strength in seminal vesicles and as a uterine tonic. Instill finely powdered Lodh bark, when combined with a suitable vehicle like oil, into the ears to arrest abnormal discharge, whether accompanied by pain or not.


Astringent for all types of (abnormal) secretions from body, viscous aphrodisiac, arrest abnormal uterine and spermatorrhoeal discharges, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving in eye affections particularly in ophthalmia. Lodh Pathani

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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