Turbad Safaid at sknatural is Operculina turpethum. It belongs to family “Convolvulaceae”. Generally people use its root (intertwined rope-like), resin. It is warm in second order, dry in the first.
A large, robust, perennial, herbaceous, and hairy vine, it grows to a length of 4 to 5 meters. Its leaves are alternate, exhibiting considerable variability in shape, ranging from ovate to oblong, and truncate or cordate at the base, measuring approximately 5.5 – 15cm in length. The flowers, white and large, are axillary and solitary. The fruit, a capsule, reaches up to 1.5 cm in diameter, featuring conspicuous enlarged sepals and thickened pedicles.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not a purgative but rather a mild laxative.
Other names:
Arabic Name(s): Turbud
Urdu Name(s): Tarbud, Nissot, Tirvi, Tejkathi
English Name(s): Turpeth root.
Hydragogue cathartic, hepatic stimulant, increases secretion of biliary (as well as phlegmatic) matter and renders it more watery. It is also drastic purgative of phlegmatic humours and bile, rubefacient.
Recommended dosage:
2 to 5 g. Used alone may excite irritation in the mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract, induces loose watery motion, nausea and harmful to intestine, and also cause nausea, colic, watery mucus containing discharges or stools and bloody dejections.
Medicinal uses:
Turbad safaid is considered beneficial as a purgative for inducing slimness and thinness in the body. Practitioners often administer it alongside other herbal drugs, finding it particularly effective in treating rheumatic, paralytic, and epileptic conditions, as well as excessive phlegmatic and bilious humours. They include turpeth in compound preparations as a hepatic stimulant, cathartic, and laxative, suitable for conditions like melancholia, gout, dropsy, and leprosy.
Furthermore, formulations containing turpeth aim to alleviate painful dyspepsia with constipation and flatulence, as well as to address sluggish liver and intestines. Although traditional physicians have described it as a remedy for reducing weight and fatness, its use for this purpose is not widespread due to its potential cathartic action. It is believed that combining it with ginger intensifies its effects.
Moreover, Ipomoea resin demonstrates potent purgative and hydragogue activities, further enhancing its medicinal properties.
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